Christian Teaching

Living in Love and Faith

Mask group (1)

Hopes people for Living in Love and Faith

Duis cursus vulputate felis, vel tempor magna viverra at. Donec vulputate pulvinar malesuada. Vestibulum ut velit at nunc condimentum placerat et dictum mauris.

Mask group

Be inspired by scripture’s glorious and joyful vision

Duis cursus vulputate felis, vel tempor magna viverra at. Donec vulputate pulvinar malesuada. Vestibulum ut velit at nunc condimentum placerat et dictum mauris.

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Have learned different ways of reading scripture together

Duis cursus vulputate felis, vel tempor magna viverra at. Donec vulputate pulvinar malesuada. Vestibulum ut velit at nunc condimentum placerat et dictum mauris.

Daily Prayer for Thy Kingdom Come

The Global Wave of Prayer

Daily Prayer for Thy Kingdom Come is a great way to set up regular, daily patterns of prayer to hold these people in prayer – whether you are doing so on your own, as a household, or joining with a small group or as a church virtually. In praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities.

Audio Resources

Listening With Love and Faith


Sunday Sermons

Podcasts our pastors. Get Your Money Straight (Pastor Fillman)

Share Jesus Now

Join us in sharing the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.

40 Day Fast

Words from pastor Fillman. We genuinely care about you